4 System GLOBAL Variables

These variables provide global control of the LISP system, or implement values which are constant throughout execution.2

*COMP = NIL global
The value of !*COMP controls whether or not PUTD compiles the function defined in its arguments before defining it. If !*COMP is NIL the function is defined as an xEXPR. If !*COMP is something else the function is first compiled. Compilation will produce certain changes in the semantics of functions particularly FLUID type access.

EMSG* = NIL global
Will contain the MESSAGE generated by the last ERROR call (see “Error Handling” section 3.8 on page 43).

$EOF$ = <an uninterned identifier> global
The value of !$EOF!$ is returned by all input functions when the end of the currently selected input file is reached.

$EOL$ = <an uninterned identifier> global
The value of !$EOL!$ is returned by READCH when it reaches the end of a logical input record. Likewise PRINC will terminate its current line (like a call to TERPRI) when !$EOL!$ is its argument.

*GC = NIL global
!*GC controls the printing of garbage collector messages. If NIL no indication of garbage collection may occur. If non-NIL various system dependent messages may be displayed.

NIL = NIL global
NIL is a special global variable. It is protected from being modified by SET or SETQ.

*RAISE = NIL global
If !*RAISE is non-NIL all characters input through Standard LISP input/output functions will be raised to upper case. If !*RAISE is NIL characters will be input as is.

T = T global
T is a special global variable. It is protected from being modified by SET or SETQ.

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